The Herbalist's Path

A Natural Healthcare Approach with The Holistic Pharmacist Dr. Katie Wood

Mel Mutterspaugh Season 5 Episode 120

Meet  Dr. Katie Wood, a holistic pharmacist, who shares her personal journey from traditional pharmacy to holistic health and her dedication to helping women on their fertility journey. She discusses the profound effects of lifestyle habits and diet, including a reduction of sugar and endocrine disruptors, on overall health and fertility. Dr. Wood emphasizes the crucial role of self-education in maintaining family health and avoiding reliance on potentially harmful pharmaceuticals. She also shares her tips on gradually implementing healthier lifestyle options into daily routines and gives insights into how she practices non-pharmaceutical health care with her own family. 

01:06 Meet Dr. Katie Wood: The Holistic Pharmacist
02:12 The Journey Becoming a Pharmacist
04:10 Shift in Pharmacy Practice
06:21 Awakening: Beginning of a Healing Journey
11:44 Impact of Endocrine Disruptors
12:05 Practical Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle
20:07 Transitioning to Personal Journey and Fertility
24:32 The Importance of Nutriti

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Introduction to the Herbalist Path

Hello and welcome to the Herbalist Path, a podcast where you'll discover how to make your own herbal remedies at home so that you can take better care of yourself, better care of your family, and better care of our planet. I'm Mel. I'm a clinical herbalist, environmental educator and Mountain-living Mama with this crazy passion for teaching more mamas and their little loves, how to use plants as medicine in a safe, effective, and tasty way so that there can be an herbalist in every home.

Again,  it's an absolute honor to have you on the journey down the herbalist path with me so that together. We can make herbalism hashtag spread like wildflowers. 

Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of the Herbalist Pop. I am really excited to learn from our guest today and to hear about her. Her story. 

Meet Dr. Katie Wood: The Holistic Pharmacist

Her name is Dr. Katie Wood. She is a holistic pharmacist. Her whole entire background and life and dream since 11th grade was to become a pharmacist.

And today with her own child, she doesn't even give her antibiotics or the other nasty over-the-counter things that a lot of parents run to, which I find to be incredibly fascinating. From a pharmacist. And not only that, she's really amazing in the ways that she helps women navigate their fertility journey.

I think this episode is going to have a lot of gold nuggets for you to carry away. And Katie, thank you so much for being on the show. Hi, Mel. Thanks so much for having me and for such a beautiful introduction. Yeah, absolutely. I'm delighted when I first found you and I was like, oh, she looks really amazing.

I wanna get to know her. So I'm so excited to have you on the show and to hear about your story and to share your story with everybody that's listening here. So let's dive into it. 

The Journey to Becoming a Pharmacist

Let's talk about Young Katie, pre-Dr, Katie. Like how. How did this all start? How did you know that you wanted, I would presume if in 11th grade you wanted to be a pharmacist, maybe there was something that said, Hey, I wanna help take care of people.

I don't know. That's me being presumptuous. So let me let you sell. The world. Yeah. So you know, growing up I always loved like learning especially about biology and just all of those things and I was very outdoorsy, loved nature being in nature, and  I don't think I knew this or had the right words to describe it, but now I do.

I'm a very empathetic and compassionate person, so I knew that I wanted to help. People. I think that's a very vague statement now looking back. But I just knew like that's what I wanted to do. And I think at one point I was thinking like, oh, nutrition, I could be a nutritionist. And then to be quite honest, it was my brother-in-Law who was like, you should be a pharmacist, right?

Like you can help people. You make pretty good. Money and Yeah, and actually being a pharmacist allows for a lot of different avenues and things that you can do. So I was like, okay, that sounds cool. And like I, I went with it. It, I didn't necessarily wanna be a doctor and surgery and emergency rooms, that wasn't my thing, but I just decided okay, pharmacy. 

That sounds good. That feels good. So I went to college and learned a lot about the body, a lot about medications, right? Pharmacology is a huge thing in terms of pharmacy, understanding how drugs work in the body, drug interactions, all of the things.  And then you graduate, right? Six years later.  

The Shift in Pharmacy Practice

I feel like right after we graduated, pharmacy had a huge shift.

When I was an intern, it was still very like patient based where I was, the pharmacy that I was working in as an intern, it was like A, had a nice. Small town, like family friendly feel. And then as soon as I graduated pharmacists were able to administer immunizations and then years go by, they want us to start doing all of these other things like medication therapy management, and they just keep piling the tasks on the pharmacist and the patient interaction or the time for it in retail pharmacy at least.

Really started to dwindle down there was one point where it's okay, the only thing I'm doing right now is filling medications for people. I'm not actually I wasn't feeling like I was actually making an impact on their life. Especially when people would come in with laundry lists of medications, they would have no idea why they were taking it.

They were just taking it because their doctor told them to. A lot of 'em, weren't being adherent for one reason or another, and just a lot of the things could be taken care of with lifestyle and nutrition modifications. Like the amount of statins and diabetes medications that we would dispense are just like mind blowing.

And then not to mention like all the pain medications, opioids seeing kids getting, the ADHD medications. And then on top of that, they would have to get medications to help them sleep. Like I would have whole families. I remember there was a family with five kids and they were all on Adderall.

Instant release. Extended release it. So I think.  Being in it then eventually made me realize, once I had grown and matured, 'cause I was like 23 when I graduated a baby.  So I feel like you still have this very like naive view of the world and I don't know. So being in. Retail pharmacy. 

The Awakening: Beginning of a Healing Journey

I was in it for eight years and so I graduated in 2013 and my own healing journey started in like 2016,  and then that's when I just really started questioning things.

And I will just stop there and see if you have any questions from that. Oh, this is such a fun story. I'm like I grabbed my pad in case I had like questions, but there's so much to go into and. It's really so fascinating, especially to hear from your perspective within that system. And honestly, I don't have questions yet except I wanna hear more about your healing journey.

As you were a pharmacist and like how that started happening in 2016.  So it's funny, my sister had, you know how you can have these little online parties and it's really through an MLM company, things like that. She had a party and it was with a company who I believe actually did have a true passion to  make products that didn't have all the yucky stuff in them.

And that's where I learned oh my gosh. 'cause I was.  Guilty as charge in college. I would pride myself on the bag load of stuff. I would leave Bath and Body Works with, right? Like I would get all the deals, things like that, and I would be so excited. Candles, body wash, lotion, the plugins, you name it.

So going to this company,  I actually learned. A lot about all of these endocrine disruptors. Literally got rid of everything I had. Didn't even care if it wasn't opened, not touched, half used, got rid of it. And so that really opened my eyes. I feel like that was the initial thing that was like, wow, okay.

So I had no idea about this. And then I feel like,  I don't know if I just became more aware of it or if. That's when it started rolling out on social media. But a lot of like influencers and just other people, not even necessarily influencers, but people speaking about other things on Instagram I don't even know.

Healthy cookware. How like. Cleaner laundry options, just a lot of things. And I started following a lot of people that were just very conscious about all of these decisions. And my husband and I would just, gradually start learning and replacing things in our house. We watched a documentary called.

The truth about cancer. I don't know if you're familiar with that one. That was a huge game changer and eye-opener for us. And yeah, especially just looking at,  the whole medical industry and big pharma and all of those things and it, I don't know, I just couldn't have my head.  Sand anymore and basically it just snowballed from there, right?

Lots of  rabbit holes. Just really expanding the people that I was following and learning from, and then, buying books and maybe courses from people and just really educating myself at the end of the day. Yeah. Yeah. There's so much to talk about here. This is great. I'm so happy you are here.

I wanna touch on one thing before we start diving deeply into a bunch more. You talked about how you were learning these things and you and your husband were like, oh, wow. You're ditching the Bath and Body Works. You're ditching the Glade plugins, or whatever they were. I remember that era of time.

I was a brand new mom when you graduated college, and, I live in Oregon and we're in a land of hippies and we are all very back to the earth. So I'd been living that lifestyle for quite a while and I've watched it, become more and more popular as time goes on. And I think one really important factor that you mentioned, one key word is you gradually.

Started implementing more of these things into your life because it can be so incredibly overwhelming. You get onto Instagram, you see all these Instagram perfect families where everything they do is totally natural and they've never had anything that's toxic in their homes. And like I've been using glass jars and stainless steel in my home for many years and doing all of that.

But it did take time to make those shifts and to make those investments because. I didn't grow up in that family. I didn't know that when I was a teenager. I started in my twenties, so that was cool. But  let's just talk about that, like how the common person just entering this whoa. 'cause I think there's definitely been a massive flood of awareness since the pandemic.

People even more so than since when you started, or when I started, that pandemic really has triggered just people by the billions it feels like, that are just like, oh, we've robbed, we've been cheated. So how can somebody who, maybe they're on a budget, maybe they're completely overwhelmed with all of the options and what's healthy, what's not? Because you can literally look on Google and be like, one article's like this is the best thing ever. The very next article's that thing is toxic. Like it's enough to drive someone absolutely insane. So what kinds of words of wisdom would you have on that journey? 

The Impact of Endocrine Disruptors

That's a great question, and this is something that I help my clients do as well, because reducing endocrine disruptors, chemicals is really important, especially in that preconception phase. So then you're not having exposure to those products while you're pregnant and having it cross the placenta, whatever it may be.

So a couple of tips. 

Practical Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

One would be.  If you have products at home, let's say you have a shampoo and conditioner, just for example, that's half full, you can finish it up and then when it's gone, do your due diligence, research and buy a better brand. And that can go for a lot of different products.

Obviously, it's a little different when it comes to pots and pans and Tupperware and things like that. 'cause unless it breaks, there's not necessarily gonna be that when it runs out, type tip. But my next tip would be what are some things that are going to have the greatest impact? So think about exposure.

So if there is a.  Lotion that you put on every single day, your skin is your body's largest organ. It is going to absorb that lotion that's gonna go through the bloodstream go on your body. So if that's something that you, I don't put on lotion every day, but if you're someone that puts on lotion every day or whatever it may be. 

Start by replacing things that you're using a lot and that your body has a lot of exposure to. So another thing would be laundry detergent.  And there's is like really for two-fold. Any laundry things, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, things like that's gonna be going on clothes. And again, your clothes are gonna be on your body and that's gonna be actually entering the air that you're breathing in your home.

So it's like a double whammy. So I also think that's another really easy and not really that. Expensive to start replacing. There's a lot of really nice brands out there that's not gonna break the bank. And then, yeah, so using things up  if that works out for the product.

And then just comparing  something that you're putting all over your body versus mascara. Maybe mascara is not at the top of the list because that's going on. Your eyelashes not all over your body. That's just an example. And then in terms of Tupperware and cookware and things like that, just start slowly Replacing things.

If you have a pan and you notice that particular pan is scratched. Replace that pan. If you have some plastic Tupperware that's like really starting to look dingy, replace that with glass number one though. One thing that you can start doing before maybe you replace the plastic Tupperware is do not heat food in the plastic Tupperware, and do not put hot leftovers in the plastic either.

So really just being mindful taking.  Inventory of these things, so to say, and maybe just picking a few areas here and there and deciding what feels best for you to start replacing and honestly, it's something we're still working on too. So where we live, we have well water. 

There's no city water or anything like that, so we fill up water jugs. So my husband's been using, we have like big five-gallon plastic jugs, and then we have the gallon jugs. I literally just bought 16 glass gallon jugs 'cause I'm like, I can't do it anymore, but I just did it. It's 2024. I've been on this journey since 2016.

I know how bad plastic is, but it took me this long to finally be like, I'm done. I'm done with the plastic, gallon drugs. So give yourself grace too. I think at the end of the day, like you're doing the best you can. We still have some plastic Tupperware. It is. My goal to just oust all of it really.

We like to keep it for if we send people home with leftovers, but  yeah, giving yourself grace I think is important as well.  I think that grace piece is really important indeed. Because otherwise you're stressing over it, right? Yeah. And then that stress causes even more problems, right?

And I wanna back up just a little bit there. You talked about the term endocrine disruptors, and while that's something you and I definitely know about, what if somebody listening, like, why does that matter? What is an endocrine disruptor? And yeah, why does it matter?  So endocrine disruptors are technically chemicals that are in certain products, sodium lauryl sulfate. So that is something that is typically in body washes dish soaps, hand soaps. It's what causes that sudsy reaction. And that is a chemical or an endocrine disruptor. So when it enters the body, it can actually mimic estrogen. So for anyone who's listening.  Endometriosis, estrogen dominance.

These are all hormonal things that are really big and affecting women in a lot of ways. And I see that because I'm in the fertility industry. So these are things that you really want to be able to limit as much as you can. And  I will say.  There are a lot of companies that, I believe the term is greenwashing.

On the label, it can be very deceiving. It looks like, oh, this is natural. And it'll maybe say SLS free or whatever. It'll have a green leaf. Yeah. A green leaf. Yeah. And then you look at the ingredients and it's oh no. No. This is not good. Yeah, getting into ingredients, that's like a whole nother thing.

But basically you wanna be able to read the ingredients. You want the list to be relatively short, and there's ingredients that you should familiarize yourself with that you want to avoid.  Absolutely. Great tips. Thank you so much. Oh, one other thing, just on those products, and the greenwashing, that whole scenario.

Do you have recommendations on a place where people can just go check, Hey, is this product clean and real, or are they greenwashing? Me? I have used the environmental working group or I will say though, I have heard from other parties that.  Maybe they're getting bought out by some brands.

So as of recently, I'm still a little kind of cautious with the ratings, but I do think that the EWG is a great place to start if you're someone new to replacing products. And then really just educating yourself right on, on the ingredients that you wanna avoid on products. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. I was thinking the EWG as well, and I was definitely a hip to them quite a bit in the early teens of the two thousands.

I, I haven't been on their site in a long time because of. I'm there. I, I don't need it as much. Yeah. But I really wouldn't be shocked about that. I used to run an herbal product line and very clean products there. It was, my whole mission was just to save the planet with herbal remedies. And I was using compostable labels and everything prior to the huge everything's gotta be super sustainable rush.


The Struggles of Small Business and Organic Products

I always wanted to get my products in EWG, but it costs so much money and I was still this small business and I was in big stores and in really cool places, but it costs a lot of money just for me to get that rating. And I'm like, man, it, this is as real gets yeah, everything is so organic, it's unbelievable.

So I definitely believe that they're probably being bought out by a few companies here and there.  Just from that perspective. That, that is really great. Thank you. Really great tips for everybody to listen to.  

Transitioning to Personal Journey and Fertility

I want to hear a little bit more about you, though. I know you currently work with women on their fertility journey, and I would just love to learn how you got there.

And then we can roll into like how you actually help those women. Sure. Yeah. I was on birth control for over 13 years, consecutively the pill. And my husband and I were in a place where we wanted to have a child together  and I was always a little oh, I want a child, but I don't know, like it was scary.

So stopping the birth control was a little nerve-wracking for me. Just having a child obviously is a very big commitment. It's life-changer. So I remember going to my OB and just saying even though I was a pharmacist, I figured this is her. Area of expertise. So I'm like, oh, I've been on birth control for a while.

We're thinking of starting a family. When should I discontinue the birth control before we start? And she basically said, you can stop it and start trying in the same month. So I think since I was a little I don't wanna do this until I'm ready. I took her advice and I had stopped taking it November of 2017, and that is the exact month that we started trying which is in hindsight, so ridiculous when I think about it.

'cause it's wow, I didn't even give my body any time to have my cycle regulate itself, but.  Hindsight is twenty-twenty, right? And.  We, I had this just like super naive view of oh yeah, I'm gonna be announcing at Christmas to my whole family that we're pregnant. No, that did not happen.

A couple of months went by, I  think I had my annual in February, so February of 2018. And I just explained to her like, oh, we just started trying, but like it's not happening. And it was just like.  You're fine, you're healthy. Just keep trying like that. Was it, there wasn't any labs taken?

My cycle did come back very regular, but outside of that, it's like, how do you know that I'm healthy? We didn't even really look at anything or have a conversation about anything,  so that was frustrating and being. A pharmacist and just a woman who was like, okay, I want this. I want this.

Yesterday, I did a lot of research, did a lot of things, took a lot of supplements.  You name it, I basically tried it or took it or whatever, and it just still wasn't happening. So I was really beginning to get frustrated and in my research I found acupuncture can be helpful for fertility. So in about May of 2018, I started seeing an acupuncturist.

We use Chinese herbs, lots of different traditional Chinese medicine modalities, and I think. That my body really needed that support. A, there was a lot of things that were was going on because of the birth control use. And then B,  looking back at it, just having a practitioner to be there.

Listen to me like he.  Typically, like I prefer to work with females, but he was a male and he was amazing. Such a blessing to have him on my journey and  I was still seeing him. I actually switched OB offices and then in the new office I'm like, oh, I'm gonna go see the midwives. They're gonna be more naturally minded.

That was my hope. Not to say that midwives aren't, but this particular midwife that I saw.  I'm trying to think. We were maybe like nine months into our journey at this point,  and she gave me the same advice you're healthy, just keep trying. But oh, if you want to, you can schedule your appointment with a fertility specialist at that 12 month mark so you can just have that in the books.

That's basically what she told me.  Thankfully, I, I was still working with the acupuncturist  and we Conceived in very early September was when I got my first positive pregnancy test. And then I'll try to make the rest of it short. 

The Importance of Nutrition and Natural Birth

I. Nutrition is so important when you're pregnant and the nutrition advice I got from the midwives at this OB office is mind-blowing.

They didn't touch on anything that would be beneficial for me and the baby. It was basically like, these are the foods you can avoid. If you wanna eat deli meat, put it in the microwave.  I'm like, okay, what?  I'm like cool. Thank goodness I like have an educational background and I can do my own research.

But not everybody has that. So I did, luckily Lily Nichols, I don't know if you know this book, real Food for Pregnancy, literally my favorite book. I think you would love it. Luckily that book had just come out and that was like a lifesaver for my pregnancy.  Midway between our pregnancy.

After doing a lot of research and taking a birthing class we decided to do a home birth. And I learned, the choice, like leading up to that decision. We had learned a lot about all of the interventions that can happen at a hospital. So all in all of this to say I learned a lot about. 

The gaps in healthcare that are horrifically present for, that's ridiculous. Women in general, but like women who are struggling to conceive, which now it is one in six couples will struggle with infertility and that's why I'm like this, I need to step in. Like I have taught myself so much in this, I. 

Time period to really, boost and optimize my fertility, my health, but also in pregnancy and postpartum and just,  I call it education and empowering. That is what my journey was and that's where I would like to be a stand for women who are open to that and who desire that level of support on their journey.

Yeah, what a great story. And thank you for stepping up based upon your experiences, because you're right, it is, it's a really disturbing system, and when you brought up the fact that you're very well educated, so you're smart enough to go out and do your own research, like I'm the type of person that loves to do my own research as well, but there are so many people that don't, there are those people that are like the doctor said to.

So I'm gonna do it, but yet they're coming back to you. You probably saw in your eight years of pharmacy that like there they're again with new pills to fix those other pills and Yeah. Yeah. It's such a disturbing industry. Yeah. It's such a disturbing industry. I love.  I love the work that you do and I'm really excited that you are gonna teach soon in Apothecary Mama.

Raising a Child Holistically

But I wanna talk a little bit about you now as a mama, and I believe you have one daughter, is that right? Yes. She will be five in May, which I. Blows my mind,  but it happened so fast. Yeah. Doesn't it? Mine is 10, almost 11 in July. And I'm like, what?  Why don't do that? You're still my baby. No, I'm not mom. I'm not a baby.

You're always gonna be my baby.  Yeah, it definitely happens fast. And I think something that the listeners here are definitely gonna be interested in is the fact that  you're a pharmacist  but you don't give.  Your daughter pharmaceuticals. So let's talk a little bit about that.  Yeah. So honestly, I think everything has been leading up to this point, right?

From 2016 until now. I have just been really learning and unveiling so many things that.  The government, big pharma, whoever, like they don't want you to know. They want you to have your head in the sand. They don't want you to be educated. And I think also  I. On my journey to becoming a mom, I learned how powerful our bodies are.

Like our bodies can heal themselves. We have so many things that are built in that we take for granted, and we look for other things outside of ourselves to give us certain results, but really, if we just nourished our mind, body, and soul, we wouldn't have those issues. I think luckily with everything that we've learned, and I think  having the home birth also just set her body and her immune system up for success.

'cause there are benefits of having them in your own home like your own. Microbiota in the home versus in such a very sterile environment of the hospital. There were a lot of intentional things that we did. Like we didn't give her a bath right away. She saw a chiropractor, or she had been seeing a chiropractor once a month since at least three weeks of birth.

Just so many things we didn't do.  Some of the jabs, all those things too. Just really supporting her overall health. And then another thing is  sugar. I think sugar is the devil.  

The Dangers of Sugar and Processed Foods

It's so bad. And I'm really the only one in my family who lives in this way. So I am, my sisters have kids and.  It's interesting being at family things when, a lot of sugar is being consumed and my daughter sees that and she wants it, but it's a very delicate  step.

But in my home there are, we don't do juice, we don't do anything like with really added sugars in there. Like basically. We limit and watch things with sugar in them because I think that sugar is a huge cause of a lot of the issues that kids  are having these days, whether it's ear infections or eczema or whatever it may be. 

And I think just being intentional with the food that she eats and that we provide here has luckily helped her. She, knock on wood, has never had to go to the doctor for any ailment. I know she has a couple of. Of little friends now and they have like tubes in their ears and they've had recurrent ear infections.

And I do think, those kiddos go to daycare and there's nothing wrong with daycare. I went to daycare, but she doesn't, she's at home. She does things with other kids, but I do think that's another thing. She's not being exposed to it as much, but when she does get sick, we have remedies at home to support her body. 

So if you could, what kind of remedies?  We have a lot of Chinese medicine remedies and we do have some herbal remedies as well and some  homeopathic remedies too. There's so many to choose from. There's, it's unbelievable. But yeah, you hit the nail on the head with the whole nourishment and sugar.

Sugar is so bad. And what gets me is my daughter didn't have.  Any sugar, any processed foods until we sent her to preschool. And I remember, like I didn't wanna send her to preschool. Preschool, but our life circumstances. Made it so it had to be. And I remember her coming home on Halloween with Kit, Kats and Twix and like all these things, and I'm like. 

Wait a second. I just sent my child to you to take better care of her and this is what she comes home with. And we've gone back and forth in homeschooling and not homeschooling depending on what is going on in our family dynamics. And she's currently in public school.  And hearing about the food. 

And hearing about the rewards they give kids. Yeah. Which is Candy Sugar and candy. Their breakfast that they serve are cinnamon rolls and I'm like, and you wonder why these kids can't focus. I know. You wonder why they're having such a problem. This is the problem. It's like our food and our medical system are absolutely repulsive and they are set up to make everybody sick.

Yeah.  It's a vicious, it makes me so mad. It's a hugely vicious cycle. And it goes into the educational system too. Like it's all a big piece of it and it's freaking disgusting. Yeah.  Really much sugar. So when they're older, they have issues, right? They I can't think of a drug name. Is it Ozempic?

They approved it for 13.  I could be saying that wrong, so don't quote me, but there was some basically like diabetic blood sugar injection that was approved for 13 and up, like a weight loss medication. And it's of course. And then it's one of those things where if you ever go off of it and you don't change the way you live, your body's just gonna go right back to where it was from the beginning. Yeah. So they just, they have you by the, you know what they have you. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. And they so do, and that, that's exactly it. 

The Holistically Healthy Family Summit

That's gonna lead me into the Holistically healthy family, Summit you are a holistic pharmacist.

You work in the world of fertility. I'm a clinical herbalist. I help people with herbs. But I don't get to the herbs until we start thinking about what the lifestyle factors are that are happening. Like,  how's your diet? Are you having tons of that sugar? Are you having that processed food? And then, thinking about mental health and thinking about how much they're moving their body and what's going on in life, what's going on at home?

What are your capabilities to implement some of these things? Because it can be a big list of things you have to change. But it's not practical to change all of those things on that list like we talked about earlier. It's a gradual process. You are speaking at the Holistically Healthy Family Summit coming up February twenty-seven through March 1st.

You're one of the ones I got to interview, so I'm so excited to share that with everybody. And you're gonna be a teacher in Apothecary Mama. I'm really excited for that. I think the mamas are going to love hearing about fertility and things that they can do to shift in their lives to  not only have a healthy pregnancy, but to influence the health of their child once that pregnancy is done.

That is so good.  I'm excited about all of that. I know that the people that get the Natural Family Toolkit at the Holistically Healthy Family Summit are going to get your Holistic Pharmacist Essential Guide, I believe it is called. It's a big great ebook filled with all the things that you do use. 

Connecting with the Wellness Pharmacist

With your own daughter and your own home, which is absolute gold,  and I wanna hear, or maybe you can let everybody know other than those two things, where else can people find you and learn more from you? You have so much wisdom to share. Thanks. So I'm definitely active on Instagram, so it's at the underscore, wellness underscore pharmacist, and then also my website.

So happy nourished I'm sure those will all be in the show links, but yeah, you're able to either schedule a free call or all my other socials are on the website as well. I have some free resources. Lots of cool things. I actually just updated my website a little bit, so go check that out.

And I would love to connect with anybody. I love sharing, just things that I've learned along the way, whether it's  for pregnancy, postpartum kids, whatever, and just, help anyone out or collapse time on, on their healing journey. I love that. Katie, thank you so much. I love hearing your story. I can't wait to share it with everybody, and I really appreciate you taking the time to, to drop your wisdom and your knowledge on the herbalist path.

Yes. Thanks so much for having me. Have a great day. You too. 

Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts

Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of the Herbalist Path. Being on this journey with you is absolutely incredible. If you dig this episode, please leave me a review on your favorite podcast player and share it with your friends so that together. We can make herbalism hashtag spread like wildflowers.

On another note, I must mention that while I know you're getting some good info here, it's important to remember that this podcast is purely for entertainment and educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. While the information in this podcast is absolutely relevant.

Herbs work differently for each person and each condition. That's why I recommend you work with a qualified practitioner, whether that be another herbalist, a naturopath, or your doctor. So thank you again. I am truly honored that you're tuning into these episodes and on the path with me to make sure that there's an herbalist in every home.

Again, don't forget to share this episode with your friends. So that we can make herbalism hashtag spread like wildflowers.